
Kelowna Mobile
FootCare Nursing
Let's Keep Those Feet Healthy

Leanne Miller
is a Registered Nurse and trained in Advanced Nursing Foot Care. She has enjoyed working in the health care field for 16 years. She started her career in Edmonton working at the U of A Hospital for 6 years before moving to Kelowna, where she was employed at Kelowna General Hospital. She later transitioned into the Community Wound Care Clinic and Home Care in th Okanagan area.
Leanne has acquired a variety of experience and skills including Advanced wound care, Advanced foot and Lower Leg assessment, along with hospital experience working in fields such as General surgery, Orthopedics, Plastics & Trauma.
Leanne loves to connect with her client’s one-on-one, and she believes healthy feet are happy feet and looks forward to meeting you and your feet!
Sledge Pajanconi
is a Registered Nurse​ in British Columbia Canada, trained in Advanced Nursing Foot Care.
His experience in various fields of nursing, which includes Home Care & Community, Discharge Planning, Acute Care Medical and Wound Care Nursing, is invaluable to the overall wholistic care for his clients.
Advanced Foot Care
1 hr
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Work in progress....